Instructions for Poster Presenters
Please find below some important and useful information for your poster preparation:
- It is recommended that you stand at your Poster during the coffee and lunch breaks.
- An e-mail with your Poster Board # has been sent out. In addition, there will be a Poster Helpdesk onsite to check your board #.
- Poster Boards will be located in the Skalkotas foyer (level -1).
- Mounting posters from 10 June at 12:00. Dismantling on 13 June from 16:30.
- The dimensions of the poster board are PORTRAIT style. It is suggested that your poster will be 90 cm wide by 120 cm tall.
- Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract.
- The text, illustrations, etc. should be bold enough to be read from a distance of two meters.
- Double sided tape, tacks and technical equipment will be available for the mounting of posters. Staff will also be in the poster area to assist you.