Scientific Program
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Program Highlights
Join us to hear lectures such as:
- Application of machine learning in Rheumatology, Carlo Perricone, Italy
- FMF and related syndromes in pediatrics, Sefi Uziel, Israel
- The repertoire of autoantibodies in celiac disease: any new one?, Aaron Lerner, Israel
- A European registry in autoimmunity, Matthias Schneider, Germany
- Systemic Sclerosis: from bench to bedside, Lazaros Sakkas, Greece
- Art in Medicine, Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert, Canada
- A historical journey of autoantibody profiling: From early days to modern approaches, Michael Mahler, USA
- Novel Revolution in autoimmunity. The autoantibodies to autonomic nervous system, Yehuda Shoenfeld, Israel
- From COVID to autoimmune diseases and back? Gabriela Riemekasten, Germany
- The importance of immune and local factors in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis, George Tsokos, Greece
- Comorbidities in autoimmune patients, Carlos Vasconcelos, Portugal
- Proof of Concept: Why autoimmunity is the ‘hyperstimulation of the immune system’, Yehuda Shoenfeld, Israel
- The management of refractory Lupus Nephritis, Dario Roccatello, Italy
- RA and the brain, Christopher Edwards, UK